Make your own colored sand


Activity: making own colored sand

Material used: Bowls, sand, colors, edicol powder, water, jar

Activity: Kindergarten children absolutely loved this activity and it is so easy to do. I handed out bowls and asked them to head over to the sandpit and fill their bowls with sand. This does work better with dry powdery sand but damp will work too.

Once back with their bowls of sand they chose colors and I sprinkled a little edicol vegetable dye into each bowl and then it was up to children to stir the color through the sand. Edicol dyes make lovely bright colors and they wash out of clothes and other materials easily. They won’t give you lovely bright colors. You only need a tiny amount of powder to create bold colors.

10 ideas for toddler sensory sand play including making your own coloured sand - Mummy Musings and Mayhem

The children building layers in their jars and had to run to the sandpit a few times to restock. The sand that did not make it into the jars we just remove into a container and add it to some water and make all sorts of lovely colorful creation.

10 ideas for toddler sensory sand play including making your own coloured sand - Mummy Musings and Mayhem

When they were satisfied with their jars we practiced turning the lids on. The sand jars are pretty to look at but they are also useful for craft activities and play.

10 ideas for toddler sensory sand play including making your own coloured sand - Mummy Musings and Mayhem

This activity related to overall expectation and specific expectation under 11.4 and 11.9 (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2016, p. 312-313) . In this activity children show their imagination by coloring sand and filling sand in the jar and they do non-verbal communication by creative way

By : The Empowered Educators

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